Tomas Colbengtson recives the Queen Sonja Print Award

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Tomas Colbengtson, this year's recipient of The Queen Sonja Print Award. The award ceremony took place in Bodø, Norway, at the beginning of June. Additional honorees include Anselm Kiefer, who will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Maria Kayo Mpoyi, who will be recognized with the Inspirational Award.

Established by Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway in 2011, The Queen Sonja Print Award aims to foster interest and promote the development of contemporary graphic arts. Over the years, it has become a significant international prize and a notable event in the global art calendar.


Tomas Colbengtson is one of Sápmi's leading artists. Born in 1957, he grew up in a small Sami village, Björkvattnet, Tärnaby, the northernmost area for the South Sami language. Colbengtson's artistry draws on memories and experiences, reflecting both historical and contemporary issues faced by the Sami. He highlights Sami history, particularly how the schooling system, which affected the youngest, had far-reaching consequences for the Sami language, almost leading to the extinction of Southern Sami in the Tärna area. Sami religion was banned, and the state conducted racial biological research, enforced relocations, and used other methods to control the indigenous people of the North Calotte. However, Colbengtson's work also celebrates the pride of Sami heritage and the knowledge that comes with it.

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