Elin Woksepp Åleheim: In silence sealed

August 22 - September 22, 2019

Elin Woksepp Åleheim was born in 1985 and lives on a dairy farm in Köpingsvik on Öland. 4 years ago she started painting and has since received several scholarships, participated in Liljevalch's Spring Salon and had Dan Wolgers and Sara Vide Ericsson as supervisors. Now she is showing her debut exhibition at Galleri Helle Knudsen.

About the painting

There is a wordlessness that I need to see and it is through painting that I can. I sense it in the light, in turning points and in the spaces of man and how it encompasses everything - and I try to see. I'm not the painter at the easel, I'm everything. I am as much the people and objects physically and mentally as the light, moods, color rhythms and the viewer. To paint is to make oneself available and put oneself in a state where one can move freely between all these levels.

In Silence Sealed

If the wordlessness is over us and envelops everything, then the silence is close. If the wordlessness is too great to see or capture from a perspective, then the silence is personal, close to the skin and can not be kept out of the body. Silence, not primarily something physical that lacks sound, but perhaps rather something mental, can be the lack of words in front of oneself or between people. With painting, I have been able to move in the silence and search in the closed, in vulnerability and man's relationship to himself and others.


Elin Woksepp Åleheim

 "Transference", Oil on canvas, 110x140 cm
