Collection: Svante Rydberg

Svante Rydberg was born in 1948 in Ludvika, where he still lives and works today. Since his art studies at Pernby's School of Painting in Stockholm and the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome between the years 1969-1972, Rydberg has had a large number of exhibitions in Sweden. Among other things, he has been continuously shown at galleries such as Svenska Bilder and Galleri Astley, but also at art galleries and museums such as Piteå Art Gallery, Eskilstuna Art Gallery, Dalarnas Museum and others.

Västerbergslagen is my hometown; also artistically. For most of my life I have worked with this landscape, which is deeply characterized by forestry and mining and in this I have found some kind of "alphabet" that I can use in my painting. I do not strive for the image, but I am very concerned about the "similarity" where the province's uniqueness feels more like an asset than a protection. It is not primarily the nature experience but the identification with the landscape used that interests me, even if the nature poetry is not without significance.