Collection: Tomas Colbengtson

Tomas Colbengtson was born in 1957 and grew up in Björkvatnet, Tärnaby. His artistry is based on memories and experiences from history and the current situation for the Sami; the school, which affected the very smallest, had far-reaching consequences for the Sami language. The Southern Sami almost died out in the Tärna area. Sami religion was banned. The state conducted racial biological research, forced relocation and other methods to gain control over the indigenous people on the North Calotte. His work is also about the pride of the Sami heritage and the knowledge that comes with it.

Tomas Colbengtson has exhibited in over 20 countries and his works are represented at, among others, the British Museum in London, the National Museum in Oslo, Wanås Konst and Ájtte museum in Jokkmokk. He is also the recipient of the Queen Sonja Print Award 2024.