Collection: Yvonne Larsson

Yvonne Larsson was born in 1958 and grew up in Mjövik, Blekinge. She is educated at Kristianstad Konstskola from 1979-1981 and graduated from Malmö Art School Forum in 1988. Since 1991, she lives and works on Österlen. She has shown solo exhibitions at e.g. Tjörnedala Konsthall, Tomelilla Konsthall, Karlshamn Konsthall, Nordens Hus in Reykjavik, Kristianstad Konsthall, Lidköping Konsthall, Ystad Konstmuseum, Galleri Aveny in Gothenburg and Galleri Thomas Wallner in Kabusa. She has also participated in international art fairs such as the Fountain Art Fair in Miami, the New York Fountain Art Fair and the Art Fair in Cologne.

Works by Yvonne Larsson in larger format:
If you are interested in any of these, or wish to see more works by the artist - please contact the gallery.

  • Yvonne Larsson

    Frost, 2022-2023

    Oil on canvas, 140 x 197 cm

  • Yvonne Larsson

    Vinterskog, det första ljuset, 2023

    Oil on canvas, 140 x 197 cm

  • Värmen, 2023

    Oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm